Autograph Letter Signed W. H. Auden to Stella Musulin 1968-11-06

Editor(s)Mayer, Sandra; Frühwirth, Timo; Grigoriou, Dimitra
PublisherAustrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Vienna 2024
Source Information
  • State Collections of Lower Austria
  • Stella Musulin (Depot)
  • St. Pölten
  • 1968-11-06
  • 77 St. Mark's Place
  • TEI Logo
  • RDF metadata
IIIF Endpoint(s)
Cite this Source (Chicago Manual of Style)Auden, W. H.1968/2024. "Autograph Letter Signed W. H. Auden to Stella Musulin 1968-11-06." In Auden Musulin Papers: A Digital Edition of W. H. Auden's Letters to Stella Musulin, edited by Sandra Mayer, Timo Frühwirth, Dimitra Grigoriou, Edward Mendelson, Peter Andorfer and Daniel Elsner. Vienna: Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Sent at:
  • United States General Post Office
Sent from:
  • New York City
Sent at:
  • 1968-11-06
Received by:
Received at:
  • Neulinggasse 26

WH Auden
77 St Mark's Place
New York City
N.Y. 10003


Die Baronin
Stella Musulin
Wien A-1030
Neulinggasse 26/14

77 St Mark's Place
N.Y. 1003
Nov 6 th .

Dear Stella:

Many thanks for your letter. Of course,
selfishly, I'm rather reliveved. How horrid
one is !

The U.S. is grim.



Of course, selfishly, I'm rather reli ve ved. How horrid one is ! | couple

In her memoir "Auden in Kirchstetten", Stella Musulin writes that after the "uprising in Czechoslovakia in August and September 1968", W. H. Auden considered the "idea of lending the house to two Czechs" (217). In Auden's letter to Musulin from 24 October 1968, he refers to the couple as "the Langers". Eventually, these plans did not materialize. In his letter from 6 November 1968, Auden expresses his relief: "Of course, selfishly, I'm rather relieved. How horrid one is!"

External Evidence: ph_012